Sunday, September 16, 2012


I know these tiny, little leaves are not CTMH, but they were in the $1 bins at Michaels.  I love fall and these cute little gold-dusted leaves were screaming (gently of course) "Look at me and take me home!"  I couldn't resist, especially since my cartridges are missing in action.

Just a brief note.  Many of us go to crop's and take everything we have to those crops.  After arriving home from my recent retreat, I unpacked only to realize that both my CTMH Cricut cartridges were not in any of my bags.  LOST somewhere in all the confusion.  The lesson I learned was:  Put your name on everything if you value it.   So heed my lesson, don't assume you will return with everything you own and label your stuff!

My definition (not Websters)
Label:  Making sure you put your name on everything.

Enjoy and be So Scrappy